Who is PopCircle Austria?
We are an association with the goal to promote any form and manner of popular culture /pop culture
and its expression in Austria. Regardless whether it’s movies, shows, comics, art or (video) games – anything goes!

In order to do this, we formed this association. Organising events, fan meet-ups and pop-ups,
just to name a few, is what we set out to do.

Sharing is caring – following this premise we want to help fans of all kinds connect, share, geek and celebrate,
bringing fandoms and passions together. Intrigued yet? If organising events or promoting an event in the sphere
of popular culture is something you can see yourself doing, do not hesitate to reach out and join us in our endeavours!
New members and helping hands are always welcome! The contact form can be found here (you can either join us as a volunteer
or as a member of our association – the choice is yours).

How come you are named “PopCircle”?
We merged the words “pop” from “popular culture” and “circle” derived from the circle of friends and like-minded people
who have come together to form this association to promote, organise and help realise pop culture events, following one shared goal. And seeing as our name sounds astonishingly similar to popsicle, our mascot was designed to look like a – surprise – popsicle.